When the local weather showed clouds until 01:30 last night I assumed my chance of shooting the partial lunar eclipse was lost, but I waited up anyway. At close to midnight I ventured out with the camera and tripod as far as our front yard. There was still a good amount of high cloud but it waxed and waned sufficiently to allow me to shoot the moon.
By 01:30 the sky almost cleared and the moon revealed itself fully, so did the freezing cold temperatures, but that aside, it was great to be standing on my own front driveway watching another celestial event unfold. The eclipse last night was a once in 580 year event due to its longevity, so it's safe to say I won't be around for the next one. In May 2022 there will be a total lunar eclipse of shorter duration so hopefully I'll still be around for that. In the mean time, here's the view from my driveway in Canada; as I have often said, what a spectacular world we live in and what wonders it provides.
Regular readers will know of my ongoing love affair with the prairies. The historic vast wilderness of sweeping grasses now mostly turned to farmland still maintains that wonderful wide open expanse. It is the expanse that draws me, as an Englishman such vast open spaces are unequalled in my home country and it is almost impossible to comprehend that these spaces are as large as my entire home country.
Yet within this seemingly infinite emptiness, masses of life exists. Colonies of ground squirrels and prairie dogs, thousands upon thousands of eagles, hawks, falcons, and owls hunting overhead day and night. Millions of birds in transit to and from the arctic as the seasons turn. Coyotes and Foxes fighting for real estate close to huge water sources teaming with fish. There are elk, moose, pronghorns, deer and bears patrolling endlessly. Badgers, snakes, and rodents too numerous to mention, it is a stunning wildlife paradise that I will miss very much. One of the great benefits of living within this wonderful wildlife arena, is that all of these beautiful creatures pass by the house with regularity, and just occasionally stop in long enough for an image as this stunning prairie falcon did very recently. |
Chris WaltersYou can read more about me in the 'about' section in the menu above, on the homepage, or by clicking here
October 2024