When the local weather showed clouds until 01:30 last night I assumed my chance of shooting the partial lunar eclipse was lost, but I waited up anyway. At close to midnight I ventured out with the camera and tripod as far as our front yard. There was still a good amount of high cloud but it waxed and waned sufficiently to allow me to shoot the moon.
By 01:30 the sky almost cleared and the moon revealed itself fully, so did the freezing cold temperatures, but that aside, it was great to be standing on my own front driveway watching another celestial event unfold. The eclipse last night was a once in 580 year event due to its longevity, so it's safe to say I won't be around for the next one. In May 2022 there will be a total lunar eclipse of shorter duration so hopefully I'll still be around for that. In the mean time, here's the view from my driveway in Canada; as I have often said, what a spectacular world we live in and what wonders it provides.
The last opportunity I had to see a lunar eclipse in Canada was back in 2015, but clouds filled the skies and I got just a couple of minutes to glimpse the phenomenon. So last night I was looking forward to a second chance, but again the clouds filled the skies.
I was incredibly frustrated and disappointed to say the least, but as the night wore on the cloud thinned to a more transparent layer. It was still present resulting in a haze across the shots but at least I got to see much more of it this year. The resulting image leaves a lot to be desired due to the cloud layer, but I'm happy that I got to experience another total lunar eclipse. Obviously as a photographer I had to try to capture it if only for the memory. The rather long name 'Super Wolf Blood Moon' is derived from a combination of differing descriptions. Firstly it was a 'supermoon' because it was a full moon at perigee (the point in the moon orbit when it is closest to earth). Secondly it's a blood moon because of the eclipse (earth shadow passing over the moon). Finally a wolf moon is the name for the first full moon of the year. Our next total lunar eclipse in Canada will be in May 2021, I can't help but wonder if I will still be here in in this wonderful country to see it. |
Chris WaltersYou can read more about me in the 'about' section in the menu above, on the homepage, or by clicking here
March 2022